WE CONTAIN ALL, 2020-2021
Contain verb /kənˈteɪn/
To have something inside or include something as a part. ‘How much liquid do you think this bottle contains?’
To keep something harmful within limits and not allow it to spread. ‘Farms in the area have been closed off in an attempt to contain the disorder.’
All determiner, predeterminer, pronoun /ɔːl/
Every one (of), or the complete amount or number (of), or the whole (of). All of - ‘Did you really drink all of the milk?’ All day – ‘I've been trying all day to contact you.’
We have black and white, we have up and down, right and left, fast and slow, long and short, in and out or inflow and outflow, north and south, we have positive and negative, we have conscious and unconscious, we have, in short, opposites or contrasts. We have and will always have polarity as long as we recreate ourselves into this physical world, since polarity is one of the definitions of our physical reality, and we use this definition as a fundamental base for understanding.
Contrasts in our experience appear to us in their united clarity since we can only perceive one in connection with another. Positive and negative are simply both sides of the same event and are always present simultaneously. I am not talking here about rightness and wrongness, good or bad, or any of that, because from the soul’s perspective, everything is infinite, and everything can serve a purpose of growth and learning. Good and bad are just qualifications and are extremely subjective value judgement labels.
There is nothing truly ‘bad’ about negative energy or ‘good’ about positive energy; they both have a reason for existing. They both are a distinct expression, and we contain them both. Since we contain all the energies, we cannot run from them, there is nowhere to go, they are who we are, and they are within us. It really makes no sense to deny the negative expression because it is one of the energies that allows the expression of this reality we live in, or, let’s say, we constantly create and recreate ourselves in, it is just a matter of understanding the blending of positive and negative energy. Nothing can be explained in negative terms only for each time there is also a positive interpretation.
Because we are as we were created, we contain all things within our Self. We are and will always be as God created us, and we will never be able to extinguish the light of our perfection. In our hearts is placed the Heart of God, and He holds us dear because we are Himself, and all the gratitude belongs to us for what we are.
Because we encompass everything, and our minds are connected, each and every one of us also contains all the possible beliefs the human mind can imagine, but since polarity exists in everything, each and every one of us also contains all the opposite beliefs. There is nothing to gain or achieve, there is nothing to acquire or to complete, there is nothing to get rid of (there is no outside place to get rid of it) or process through.
Even in this dream, even in our human state of being, we are already everything there is to be, everything already exists within us. Everything that we experience is contained within our consciousness, within the already existing infinity of our consciousness. Since everything already exists within us, from our infinite point of view, there is no "within" and "without," for these are only linear terms, from our Earthly life's linear point of view.
Since we contain everything, what is most important is that we are able, at any given moment, to choose. At any given moment, we can exercise our ability to choose, even more, we can explore choosing consciously, according to our preference, according to what we want to be, and according to what we want to explore. In the daily collective dream, we live in, called reality, it is only up to us, to express a belief or another, to express who we prefer to be. We do not have to ask for something because we already have it, and all we need do is to consciously choose that particular something.
Often, we might entertain the apparency that there is something to obtain, there is a goal to reach, there is something to become that we are not already. The idea of becoming something that we are not already is an illusion. It is an apparency and is part of the decision that we make at that particular moment, a decision that we are not that something, a decision that says: “I am not that, but I can become that in an alleged different now,” and in taking that decision, we experience the idea of not having what we need right now. However, any decision can be changed, and we can just BE(come) something, there is no need for ‘coming’, there is nothing to come since we already have everything, since we already are the person that we desire to be.
No matter what we have done, no matter who we have been a moment ago, we can choose ourselves anew, we can create or recreate ourselves one hundred percent, in any given moment, in any given NOW moment since there is only now. Once we choose who we are and then continue to decide that we are that person, that is who we are, and there is nothing, utterly nothing, that can hold us back from who we are, except ourselves.
All that it takes to align or realign our reality according to our preference is the clearness of our vision, or, in other words, our clear intention(s). The moment we are conscious of anything, it is no longer something remaining in our subconscious, it is something conscious, which we now choose to do something about. When we establish our clear intention, we adapt the frequency of our reality to the frequency of our desire. Hence, that it is not simply a mental exercise to clarify and establish our clear vision, it is, accurately, the initiating step that sets up the energy template, the model, that “our reality then grows upon." Therefore, it is not merely an exercise but a foundational statement of a conscious creator.
Photographs, Hand Printed on B&W Ilford Baryta Paper
Matt Coating · Double Weight · 255 gsm · Fibre Base